Volunteering abroad News & Stories all subject areas

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5 reasons to volunteer in South Africa

Whether kitesurfing on the coast or with the camera in the national park - the "rainbow nation" meets the greatest expectations.
Tips & things worth knowing

The Voluntary Social Year (FSJ) in Africa

As part of an FSJ, get involved with the population, the environment or the animals on the African continent and gain unique experiences. We'll give you a little foretaste of what you need to consider and why it's worth it!
Tips & things worth knowing

Medical FSJ abroad

Want to gain your first practical experience in the medical field and get to know new cultures and landscapes? Find out the advantages of a medical FSJ abroad and what you need to consider.
Tips & things worth knowing

5 reasons to volunteer in Senegal

An often underestimated country, but one that has a lot to offer and will make your trip a very special experience. 
Tips & things worth knowing

5 reasons to volunteer in Sweden

An idyllic life in harmony with nature and full of serenity and peace. Sounds like a story from Astrid Lindgren's children's books? It almost is. 
Tips & things worth knowing

As a volunteer in Costa Rica - experience Pura Vida!

Do you want to experience Pura Vida in Costa Rica, but don't yet know in which area you would like to volunteer? Here you will get some impressions and inspiration!
Tips & things worth knowing

Staying abroad and personal development: How staying abroad can help you grow

In what ways does a stay abroad help you and how does it promote your personal development – ​​you can find out all about it here!
Tips & things worth knowing

Stay abroad and internship: A chance to gain professional experience

During an internship abroad, you combine the adventure of being abroad with professional experience. Here you can find out all the important information about it.
Tips & things worth knowing

As a volunteer to Africa

Experience a continent full of contrasts, joy of life and impressive landscapes. In this article you will find out what options there are for volunteer work in Africa, the reasons behind them and which areas are open to you.
Tips & things worth knowing

How do I finance my stay abroad?

In order to be able to enjoy a stay abroad without any concerns, the question of financing must first be clarified. There are different options for this.
Tips & things worth knowing

Volunteering in Bali

This is what your everyday life could look like when volunteering in Bali! Find out more about the special features of the island, the opportunities for volunteer work and tips for spending your free time here.
Tips & things worth knowing

My Year Abroad Experience: A Comprehensive Guide

Find out everything about staying abroad here and plan your trip to an unforgettable adventure with our comprehensive instructions.
Tips & things worth knowing

Animal rescue abroad

Stray dogs, wild animals losing their natural habitat, elephants being mistreated or dolphins being threatened by ocean pollution – there are plenty of reasons to rescue animals abroad.
Tips & things worth knowing

Veterinary medicine abroad – what options are there?

There are animals in need of help all over the world, so why not try out the profession of veterinary medicine abroad.
Tips & things worth knowing

Animal shelters abroad - A chance for a new home for animals in need

More and more people are looking for ways to help animals in need and give them a new home. The need is great because there is animal suffering worldwide - be it through environmental pollution, animal cruelty and targeted killing, etc.
Tips & things worth knowing

10 reasons to volunteer

Why it's worth going abroad as a volunteer.
Tips & things worth knowing

Protecting Turtles: Volunteering in Species Conservation

Over half of all turtle species worldwide are at risk of extinction. Once again, we humans are to blame for this. Find out here why the animals are so endangered and where you can get involved as a volunteer.
Tips & things worth knowing

5 Reasons to Volunteer in Costa Rica

Caribbean beaches, rainforest, fascinating wildlife and lively cities – a stay in Costa Rica definitely has a lot to offer!
Tips & things worth knowing

Medium-term Voluntary Service - Benefits

Advantages of a Medium Term Volunteering abroad
Tips & things worth knowing

Creative volunteer work abroad

Individual volunteer project for creative volunteers.