07.09.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX / Tips & things worth knowing

5 reasons to volunteer in Sweden

An idyllic life in harmony with nature and full of serenity and peace. Sounds like a story from Astrid Lindgren's children's books? It almost is.

If you've been thinking about volunteering for Scandinavia's flora and fauna, we'll give you five reasons why Sweden is your perfect travel destination!

Campfire in Sweden

The right of everyone

Unlike in Germany, the right of everyone (“Allemansrätt”) applies in Sweden. This entitles everyone to move freely in the beautiful nature and use it. A campfire with stick bread, fishing, canoeing, picking berries or camping in the forest is no problem there and is guaranteed to be a highlight for every outdoor fan.

Of course, here too it is important not to disturb anyone, to treat the environment responsibly and to leave nothing but footprints behind. This is the only way this principle can be continued in the future and other people can be given the opportunity to be so close to nature.

Let yourself be enchanted by the beauty of nature

If you love forests, lakes and peace and quiet, Sweden is the right place for you. More than 60% of the land area is forests and 30 national parks have been established. The impressive lake landscape also offers you various leisure activities in every season. Whether swimming, boating and fishing in summer or Nordic ice skating, ice bathing and ice hockey in winter - you definitely won't get bored here and there are plenty of opportunities to let off steam in nature after work.

Due to the low population density of just 23 inhabitants per square kilometer, you often have the luxury of being able to enjoy the idyllic nature alone.

Especially in Swedish Lapland, the northernmost part of the country, you can enjoy two natural spectacles that can only be experienced in a few other places: the midnight sun and the northern lights. From the end of May to mid-July you can expect long, bright days and the highlight of the Midsummer Festival. This day is the longest of the year and is celebrated extensively by the locals. In contrast, you can go hunting for the northern lights in the icy winter. The colorful spectacle in the sky is certainly a unique experience that will be remembered for a long time.

At our Climate protection project afforestation in Swedish Lapland You can help ensure that the beautiful nature of Lapland is preserved and that the animals are also offered a safe habitat.

Improve your language skills during the project

Sweden is an ideal travel destination, especially when it comes to improving your language skills. Approximately 85% of Swedes speak English fluently. One reason for this is that English-language films and series are usually not dubbed due to Sweden's small population. As a result, locals often consume English-language media from an early age, which means their language skills are trained at an early age. In addition, Sweden has a very good education system, which promotes language skills.

But the Swedish language itself is also comparatively easy to learn due to its similarity to the German language. As you read, some of the words will seem familiar to you. Close contact with the locals and, above all, dealing with children will help you learn the language.

Serene lifestyle and an advantageous location

In 2022, Sweden ranked as the country with the highest quality of life. There are numerous reasons why the Swedes are such a contented people. Your open and relaxed attitude to life definitely contributes to this. A cultural peculiarity, for example, is the Swedish tradition of “Fika”. A coffee break in the afternoon, where the aim is to talk to others and enjoy coffee and cake together.

The Swedish lifestyle is called “lagom”. This translates to something like “just right” or “appropriate”. This is about finding the golden mean and not doing too much, but not too little, in all areas of life. Anyone who lives with this basic attitude can be made happy by simple things and therefore leads a more contented life.

Another big advantage of Sweden is its proximity to Germany. Especially if you haven't traveled alone often, it can help to take your first trip to a nearby country with a similar way of life.


Sweden is considered a safe travel country, which makes it also suitable for solo travelers. Nevertheless, like everywhere else, you should of course be vigilant, especially in larger cities, and not take any avoidable risks. There are few health risks. If something should happen, you are in good hands with the Swedish healthcare system.

It's best to find out more about yourself before your trip Foreign Office about the latest safety information so that you can be best prepared for your upcoming adventure.

Conclusion: Don't hesitate any longer, Sweden is waiting for you!

As you can see, Sweden has a lot to offer and there is something for every taste. The mix of idyllic nature, the relaxed lifestyle of the Swedes and the many leisure opportunities will make your volunteer work an enriching experience that you will remember for a long time. Grow beyond yourself and support our local projects! 

If we have aroused your interest, please take a look at our offers Volunteering in Sweden

Portrait Simon

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