conservation guidelines

We want you as a volunteer or intern to have the best time of your life with RGV. But please pay attention to your environment and help to leave it the way you found it after your departure - or in a better condition!

Please don't see us as critical spoilsports with a raised index finger. We just want to remind you how important the issue of nature conservation is, because: Travel regions have been exploited by tourism for far too long and most people do not realize that the resources of this earth are limited. It's up to us now good example to go ahead and Responsibility to take over.

In contrast to conventional tourism, our stays abroad are sustainable and gentle in many respects. Benefit from the philosophy of gentle tourism. Have a wonderful and intensive stay in your destination country. Take time for the people and their culture, experience the fascinating nature that surrounds you and leave the smallest possible ecological footprint during your time in your host country. Make a little big change!

>> Find out more about ours Children- And Animal welfare guidelines

Travel wise and be considerate

Be mindful when traveling and treat nature with respect. You already know most of the conservation-oriented behaviors and if you proactively remind yourself of the rules, a lot has already been done for nature.

Pack sensibly

Environmental protection begins with your travel preparations. Avoid plastic products as much as possible and think about which travel gadgets will help you to avoid waste when you are there. Essential for every trip:

  • Drinking bottle for excursions
  • Jute bags for your purchases (please no plastic bags!)
  • Laundry net for your used clothes (please no plastic bags!)
  • It is best to take the plastic packaging of shampoo, shower gel and sunscreen home with you

Important: In some of our nature conservation projects, only natural hygiene items are allowed, as the shower water seeps directly into the ground or is processed back into drinking water. You can find detailed information on this in your RGV Reise ABC, which you will receive after registration!

Offset your flight to the destination country and minimize your CO2 emissions

We ask you to offset the emissions from your flight through the MyClimate association. The costs for this are only 30 to 40 euros - this means you fly sustainably and make an important contribution to environmental protection.

You can avoid further emissions on site, for example by not taking private taxi rides and relying more on public transport. Saving electricity also helps enormously, since electricity in travel countries rarely comes from renewable energies.

Use energy wisely

When leaving your room, please always switch off the light and all other power sources so that they are not running unnecessarily. In poorer countries, electricity is usually not generated from renewable energy sources, which is why the production of electricity places a heavy burden on nature.

Leave as little trash as possible

In many travel countries, garbage is still not recycled and all of the garbage in a country ends up unsorted in the rubbish dump. Therefore, generate as little waste as possible and avoid using plastic on site as much as possible!

Plastic bags, plastic packaging and cigarette butts do not end up in the great outdoors! At this point, we ask you in particular to adhere to this rule.

Also, set a good example and be a role model for others, for example by picking up a plastic bag from the floor and disposing of it as best you can. However, avoid criticizing the behavior of the local population in terms of environmental protection. The government is responsible for educating the population about nature conservation, not you as a traveller. On this topic we also recommend our article “Postcolonialism and Volunteering” Part 1 and Part 2.

Leave animals, insects and plants in their natural habitat

Animals and plants - no matter how big or small - should remain in place. You can find suitable souvenirs to take home at alternative local shops. It is best to buy locally made souvenirs and thus support the “little people” on site. In particular, no shells or starfish may be taken home. See also further information from the customs office.

Stay on the path and observe rest periods

Do not leave paths and paths in the untouched nature. The animal and plant world will thank you. This way you reduce a lot of stress in nature. Do not enter designated nature protection zones, such as national parks and nature reserves, so that the ecosystem remains undamaged. Noise from humans can disturb animals, especially during the breeding season. You should generally avoid wild camping in the great outdoors.

Adhere to swimming bans in bodies of water

Not every beach and not every bay that can be reached by boat is also suitable for swimming. Posted swimming bans should always be observed. Coral reefs, turtle breeding grounds and dolphin habitats have been gradually reduced in recent years by tourism and nature needs undisturbed space to recover. In this way you make a significant contribution to marine protection.

Refrain from environmentally harmful leisure activities

If possible, avoid particularly environmentally harmful leisure activities. These include:

  • Ride a jet ski, speedboat, water banana, etc
  • Airplane and helicopter sightseeing flights
  • Driving quad
  • Visiting animal shows or animal facilities (e.g. dolphinariums) with animal husbandry that is not appropriate to the species