Impact on volunteers

Volunteering abroad not only helps the people and the situation on the ground, but also advances you in many ways. Personal development is particularly important here: through this type of experience abroad and cultural exchange, combined with volunteer work, you broaden your horizons and learn a lot of new things about the world and yourself.

>> Learn more about which one Impact we still achieve through our volunteer work and internships abroad.

How volunteering gets you ahead in life

Make a cultural exchange

Cultural exchange brings people closer together, creates understanding, enlightens and ultimately contributes to more peace. The contact between people from different realities of life ultimately enriches the everyday life of both sides. Be a part of it and integrate the knowledge you have acquired and your experience abroad into your own life!

Make a life changing experience

Coming from Europe in particular, it is often an enormous adjustment, for example to get used to unfamiliar working methods in Africa. However, every volunteer usually has the same positive experience: It grounds you and you gain distance to the rather hectic mentality. By immersing yourself in a culture that is foreign to you, you will get to know a new everyday life, which may also change your own habits and attitudes.

Experience social engagement

Your volunteer work is not only honorable and beneficial for the local situation - this time also enriches you. Helping makes you happy! You experience gratitude and recognition, your self-esteem increases and the feeling of connection strengthens the soul. Because it feels good to do good!

Tip: In our magazine article "This is how you get the most out of your volunteer work" we give you a valuable guide to make the most of your time abroad.

Personal and professional development

Volunteering offers you the opportunity to strengthen your own skills and self-confidence, as well as to gain new experiences that you can use in both your personal and professional life.

Volunteering abroad can bring these benefits

  • You will learn valuable soft skills such as teamwork, hands-on mentality, empathy, problem-solving skills, resilience, independence and composure.
  • You will acquire subject-related skills and be able to apply them in your professional life.
  • You will become more independent and courageous overall.
  • You make contacts and make new friends that will enrich your life.
  • You get to know new worlds and ways of life.

Ultimately, such experiences greatly enhance your own personal development. You will surely return with new perspectives and skills. The longer your stay abroad is, the more effective are the experiences made and the better you can incorporate them into your actions.

After all, personal development is also a process and not something that happens all of a sudden. In the best case, you can reflect on your experiences after your return and gain added value for your future life.

Make a little BIG change - also in your own life!