Sustainable Development Goals: 17 goals for sustainable development

The Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (SDG's) are a kind of roadmap for a better world. They define the most significant problems and challenges of our time and provide a way of tackling them.

The goals take all three dimensions of sustainability into account: the environment, social issues and the economy.

The 17 SDGs were defined at the UN Summit for Sustainable Development in New York in 2015 with the 2030 Agenda. Each of the countries in the United Nations has committed to implementing measures to achieve these goals by 2030.

>> Learn more about which one Impact we still achieve through our volunteer work and internships abroad.

Sustainable Development Goals and Volunteering

Our contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

All short, medium and long-term goals that we pursue with our volunteer projects are based on the United Nations SDGs. The individual projects are thus each aimed at bringing about sustainable development in one or more areas of the defined Sustainable Development Goals.

With its programs, Rainbow Garden Village also makes a contribution to development education and the promotion of volunteering. We want to encourage and enable people of all ages to work towards a socio-ecological transformation in line with the Sustainable Development Goals.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals

1) No poverty

This goal aims to reduce the number of people living in poverty. Overall, no one should live in extreme poverty by 2030. This SDG also includes social security benefits for all people as well as equal opportunities and rights when accessing basic services and natural resources.

2) No hunger

Global hunger should be ended by ensuring that everyone always has enough food available. A healthy and balanced diet should be made possible for everyone. It is also about promoting sustainable agriculture.

3) health and welfare

A healthy life should be guaranteed for all people of all ages and their well-being should be promoted. This goal also stands for access to basic health services without financial hardship and protection from communicable and non-communicable diseases.

4) Quality education

This SDG is about ensuring equal, inclusive and quality education for all. Lifelong learning opportunities should also be promoted. People of all ages and social backgrounds should have access to education.

5) Gender Equality

This goal aims to achieve gender equality and self-determination for all women and girls. To this end, all forms of discrimination and violence against women and girls should be ended worldwide. Women should be able to participate in political, economic and public life on an equal footing.

6) Clean water and sanitation

This is about the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation worldwide. To this end, all people should have access to clean drinking water, hygiene and appropriate and fair sanitation. The efficiency of water use is also to be increased in all sectors.

7) Affordable and clean energy

This goal focuses on securing access to reliable, sustainable, affordable and modern energy. The share of renewable energy in the global energy mix is ​​also to be increased. The expansion of the infrastructure is also important in order to provide modern and sustainable energy services worldwide.

8) Decent work and economic growth

This SDG focuses on broad-based, lasting and sustainable economic growth and the promotion of decent work and productive full employment. Among other things, forced labor, human trafficking and child labor are to be abolished.

9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

The focus of this goal is on building a resilient infrastructure, promoting sustainable and inclusive industrialization and supporting innovation. It is also important to integrate small companies into value chains and markets.

10) Fewer inequalities

Inequality within and between countries should be reduced. Regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, origin, religion, disability or social and economic status, everyone should have the same opportunities.

11) Sustainable Cities and Communities

This SGD is about making cities and human settlements safe, inclusive, sustainable and resilient. All people should have access to basic services, adequate housing and safe and affordable transport systems. In addition, the world cultural and natural heritage should be better protected.

12) Sustainable consumption and production

Here it is important to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. This includes, among other things, the sustainable and efficient use of natural resources, the avoidance or recycling of waste and the reduction of food waste.

13) Climate protection measures

Measures to combat climate change and its effects should be taken immediately. The global temperature increase is to be limited to 1,5 °C and greenhouse gas neutrality is to be achieved by 2050. Overall, it is also important to mobilize private commitment to climate protection and sustainable development.

14) Life under water

This goal is about preserving seas, oceans and their resources in terms of sustainable development and using them sustainably. Among other things, the reduction of marine pollution and plastic litter as well as the protection and restoration of biodiversity-rich ecosystems are important.

15) Life on land

This SGD includes protecting terrestrial ecosystems, promoting their restoration, managing forests sustainably, combating desertification, halting and reversing land degradation and halting biodiversity loss.

16) Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

This goal aims to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

17) Partnerships to achieve the goals

This is about strengthening the means of implementation and revitalizing the global partnership for sustainable development. After all, global challenges also require global, joint efforts.