01.08.2020/XNUMX/XNUMX / field reports

Volunteer in Ghana with a donation call

Lessons take place in the garden under one roof. Here the children cheer when school is cancelled, but in Ghana the parents are happy if they can give their children a basic education at all, because education determines the future of the children. We know how important this is. We also know that going to school is not a matter of course.

Chantal's time in Ghana

In the summer to Ghana

I'm Chantal R., 18 years old and I live in the north of Switzerland, in Schaffhausen. In the summer I was in Ghana for four weeks to do volunteer work through the organization Rainbow Garden Village.

So I gained a lot of experience and gained an insight into everyday life in Africa through living with a host family on the one hand and teaching street children on the other.

After my trip, I collected the most exciting experiences in a reportage. The scenes are vividly portrayed, so that the reader can witness the happenings. Through this reportage, I was able to process my formative experiences.

Living conditions in Ghana and the street children project

I also want to draw the reader's attention to the well-known, yet often forgotten fact that life there is nothing like our life of luxury. The children I taught live on the street, some sleep on a step, for example. Their mothers work all day to feed the children. So you are in good hands with us. Because here they get free education, safety, security and a warm lunch.

Education is not a matter of course!

Lessons take place in the garden under one roof. The children have old metal frames to play with, which they use as football goals, and an old swing, which can accommodate up to ten children.

Here the children cheer when school is cancelled, but in Ghana the parents are happy if they can give their children a basic education at all, because education determines the future of the children. We know how important this is. We also know that going to school is not a matter of course.

Donations arrive where they are needed

But it is not necessary to travel to Ghana to teach these children. Even with a small contribution you can make a difference. Pencils, erasers, sharpeners and exercise books, but also new chairs and tables are needed. I can recommend this donation with a clear conscience, because I was there myself and saw how the money was used properly. The roof in the garden was only recently built, and before that the lessons even took place in the open air. Your donation money will be used to buy missing school materials and toys to make the children happy and improve their everyday school life.

Every donation helps - make a difference now!

We are very happy about every donation, because the laughter of the children is the reward of the volunteer workers!

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at chan.roth@bluewin.ch.

Here you can donate to the street children project: Rainbow over Ghana eV 

Summary of the report 

In her detailed report, Chantal gives us an exciting insight into the life of a volunteer in Ghana and the volunteer work in the street children project.

She reports on initial difficulties getting used to everyday life in a foreign culture, the simple conditions, the many power cuts and different types of food.

In her report, Chantal recorded her experiences on a weekend trip, her participation in a Ghanaian church service and her unforgettable encounters with the local fishermen and children in the slum.

But above all, she tells of the warm-hearted people who are happy with what little they have, of the strong Ghanaian women and the many children, who she remembers with their open laughter.

Experience report from Ghana with donation call of Chantal R.

Portrait Chantal

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