10.01.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX / Tips & things worth knowing

Sustainability of online shopping

Anyone who thinks that online shopping cannot be sustainable is wrong. Numerous online shops have recognized the need of customers for more sustainability and now have a certificate as sustainable shops or for sustainable products. Many products have a good ecological balance because they are free of harmful substances, have been produced sustainably and have not come a long way. The products are brought to their customers, which leads to the emission of carbon dioxide. Nevertheless, online shopping can be more sustainable than buying in brick-and-mortar stores.

Every customer has it in their own hands and can make online shopping sustainable by choosing the right shops and behaving correctly. The following five tips will help.

5 Reviews

1. Anticipatory and measured order

Low prices and sustainable shops tempt you to order a few more goods at once. Several individual shipments can be the result and lead to increased pollutant emissions. Once the goods have arrived at the customer, a lot ends up unused in the cupboards because they are not needed at all. Due to bad purchases, things eventually end up on the trash and pollute the environment. If you want to order several goods from a retailer at the same time, you should organize the purchase in such a way that the delivery takes place in only a few individual shipments. Returns are avoided with rational orders.

2. Purchase from sustainable retailers

If you would like to make a contribution to environmental and climate protection, you should order from sustainable retailers who have certificates and seals for sustainability and environmental protection. A climate- and environmentally friendly purchase is guaranteed there. Sustainable e-commerce platforms host their websites with environmentally friendly providers, use recycled paper or only use green electricity. The working conditions and the well-being of the employees as well as the renouncement of child labor are also important to these dealers.

Dealers who value climate and environmental compatibility provide information on their websites. You gain a decisive competitive advantage with sustainability, because more and more customers want to buy sustainably. An EMAS certificate is available, for example, from the online electrical retailers Alternate and Conrad. You can go one step further by comparing different offers. On portals for price comparisons and purchase advice, you not only get an overview of where you can buy goods at the cheapest price, but you also get information on sustainable retailers.

3. Deciding on products from the region

Buying online does not have to mean ordering products from distant countries. You make a smart decision for the environment and the region when you buy products from regional dealers. You not only ensure short transport routes, you also support the dealers, promote the preservation of jobs in the region and gain an insight into the working and production conditions.

4. Waiver of express deliveries

Most online shops promise their customers that they will receive their order the next day. For the deliverer, such a fast delivery means a higher burden and is associated with stress. This has a negative effect on the climate balance. In an urban area with several customers, several individual tours are required. For the sake of the environment, you should refrain from express delivery and instead choose standard delivery if the goods are not urgently needed.

5. Avoid that the parcel carrier comes several times

The delivery services often announce their delivery by email or mobile phone. Sometimes you can follow the delivery process in minute detail. With this option you can set up that you can receive the goods at the specified time.
If you know that you will not be at home for the delivery date, you should instruct a neighbor to accept the parcel, have the parcel delivered to a parcel shop or specify a safe storage location. They help to improve the climate balance.

The information sheet "Sustainability of online shopping: How you can shop climate-friendly on the Internet" provides you with more information on this topic.

Portrait guest contribution by Lina Korb, NeoAvantgarde
Guest contribution by Lina Korb, NeoAvantgarde

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